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iAdapt has approximately 100 features and functions built into the base applications. iAdapt has developed the HR product utilising our extensive in house expertise and skills gained over the last four years. The system will allow you to efficiently manage and streamline the business processes that your own organisation has put in place. You will have access to real time on-line information in a format that you are comfortable with such as Microsoft Excel or Access. iAdapt has seamless links throughout the system to connect your desktop to the data held in the industrial strength relational database. For example:

Employees sorted by department, by grade, by category and by salary scale in one screen shot.

The concept of workflow technology bundled into the base application by the use of the web browser based desk top technology.

The system allows for full real time on-line salary modelling. Man job specifications.

Employees benefits tables separated from the allowances tables. All union details and South African labour relations tables built into the base system.

A full Cost to Company analysis provided in a number of formats.
The system caters for a full bonus, leave, sick leave, and UIF analysis.

Package features:
  • All modules are written in 4GL.
  • All modules have been developed with the iAdapt BDF Tools allowing for rapid development, changes and/or modifications.
  • iAdapt People Management  is deployed on an open database platform.
  • Numerous front ends available:
    • Character interface (Wyse, ANSI, VT, Xterm, etc.)
    • Java Front-End (X-Windows or MS-Windows)
    • Both character and graphical front ends can be utilized simultaneously front the same code set
    • Available on most flavors of UNIX including Linux
  • True 3-tier architechure (thin client NC ready).
  • Source code available.

Reporting tools for all modules
A base set of reports are included in the system. Most other 3rd party report writers, such as Crystal Reports, Microsoft Office, and Microsoft Access can be used to extend the reporting functionality.

International Standards for all modules
iAdapt Software has matured over the last 20 years and is based on international Standards. The CASE Tools allow for any further enhancements such as an integrated Customer Management System or Call Centre Management System to be rapidly developed, thereby extending the functionality and the life cycle of the iAdapt applications.

Financials Supply Chain Management People Management Customer Relationship Management Fleet Management Business Development Framework FourJ's Development Tools

General Ledger Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable Fixed Assets

Inventory Order Entry Purchasing

Personnel Training Recruitment Payroll Portals

Contact Management Contract Management Forecasting & Budgeting Management Sales Management Fleet Management

Fleet Management Vehicle Management Service Scheduler Fuel and Oil Management Bookings Manager and Rentals

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