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Fuel and Oil Management



The Fuel and Oil Manager provides the fleet operations with an internal, external and additional fuel and oil as well as any private transaction capabilities. This means that any fuel or oil taken by the vehicle or user is recorded on iAdapt FMS. Not only does this module support the total cost outlay per vehicle (see Vehicle performance management) but it also acts as a stock control mechanism between deliveries of fuel and/or oil and the consumption thereof.

iAdapt FMS can supply the manager with information such as the total number of litres fuel and oil delivered per period that will enable him to negotiate bulk discount with suppliers. A fuel pump log keeps track of pump opening and closing and readings to avoid pilfering.

iAdapt FMS records the consumption per vehicle and is able to portray the vehicle as well as the total fleet consumption per period in report form. Some additional features that are available in this module:

  • Total vehicle fuel and oil cost per kilometre per period
  • The vehicle fuel consumption (litre/l00 km) per period
  • Transaction status. The operator will know immediately if something is wrong
  • Different fuel and oil types e.g. normal and unleaded
  • To establish whether transaction costs have been recovered, iAdapt FMS has date recovered fields on each transaction



Page last updated: 06/01/2025