iAdapt BDF
Tools version 5.1 offers the most robust, feature-rich BDF Tool to date. BDF
Tools are used for the rapid development of any feature or functionality
that a customer may find lacking in the base modules. The product allows for
stringent development standards and documentation (normally lacking in a
development environment). The Tools has its own patented methodology built
into the Tools as well as being a code and report generator.
The BDF Tool is a code and menu generator that allows for the unique
business rules of each division and subsidiary to be held in extension files
thereby protecting the investment in any customisation. In addition, these
BDF Tools allow for additional functionality to be incorporated into the
base application in a similar rapid development manner with a fully
standardised development methodology.
From a client access perspective iAdapt has
always maintained the concept of true thin client technology. A small
(400kb) file is loaded onto the PC and the client code is html or web based.
Integration with other Windows software is provided using DDE, ODBC and OL�
connectivity. Seamless links (using ODBC) to most popular Windows desktop