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iAdapt sign Memorandum of Understanding with e-Sek.

South African based ERP software development house iAdapt has signed a memorandum of understanding with local specialist company e-Sek. Founding member and CEO of e-Sek Mosa Manganye said that they had been looking for a locally based ERP technology partner for some time and finally agreed to a long term strategy with iAdapt. e-Sek is a company that was started in 1999 as a project management company that has grown tremendously over the last 5 years to now specialise in areas of strategic BPR, Needs Analysis and Business Analysis amongst other professional services. The primary objective of the partnership is to explore each companies offering and bring these to customers in a closed loop thereby alleviating the necessity to appoint a consulting company, another BPR company and finally a technology company which will suite the customers business objectives. This way all these services and products are offered as a total solution. It was also of prime importance for both companies that they be locally based and owned.

Further information regarding e-Sek can be obtained from the web site at

A further press release will follow as soon as the initial pilot site is underway.
Issued by: iAdapt PR department

Four J's releases new Relational Database and iAdapt releases it ERP software on the same port simultaneously

Business Software Tools Development company Four J's recently launched their new online relational database engine at the Futurex show on the 17th May 2006. The company's Genero compiler has traditionally been product agnostic, but the company saw a need to introduce a relational database of its own. The key strategy for entering the database market is to reduce end-user total cost of database ownership and offering a database with better features than the traditional products. Many of the mainstream products on the market have merely been "plugged and patched" over the last 15 years which has resulted in databases that have a number of good, but disparate features and is now extremely cumbersome as well as being extremely expensive. With Genero db the product was written from a blank sheet of paper and the developers took a long and hard look at the short comings of the current products with the objective of improving on these. The new database runs on asynchronous non-pre-emptive tasks (ANTS) technology, developed by a niche technology company called ANTS Software Inc. The product has claimed better performance and support for newer technologies, such as thread pooling and re-assignment, compiled SQL model execution and elimination of 99% of locking problems. Genero db will only lock in non-deterministic situations, but the indexes and table rows will remain lock-free, provided that the software application does not force a lock. Furthermore the Genero db will require very little re-coding or re-training as the syntax compatibility spans Informix, Oracle, Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server. Genero db is currently available for the Windows, Linux and Solaris platforms, but will soon be joined by HP-UX and AIX in the early part of next year. Software development company iAdapt, which is one of the top Genero technology companies in the world, has been appointed a Genero VAR for the new database due the extensive knowledge the company has of the Four J's product set as well as being a top Informix technology company. "The switch from Informix to Genero db has not been that dramatic" says iAdapt Director of Technology Johan de Lange. " The largest component that needed major work centered around the conversion of the data from other databases into Genero db and then tuning some of the source code to adapt from the database specifics to Genero. This process however is followed in ALL database migrations." says de Lange. The technical department of iAdapt simultaneously released its full blown ERP system in Beta test on the new Genero db at the Futurex show. "The commercial release of our ERP applications on Genero db will largely depend on the response we get from the market" says Gilbert Parsons. "We are however working very closely with the Four J's technical developers based in France to add enhancements for mainstream business applications and Tools. We are hoping to secure some interest in our software in Europe and the States where Genero db will be a lot stronger"

Please contact us for a presentation of the product and feel free to go the Genero web site
Issued by iAdapt PR department

iAdapt assists Medicom in R1,5m database upgrade project

In a R1,5m deal medical supply IT company Medicom has selected the Informix Workgroup Edition v10 for the corporate roll out within the company. Medicom is a wholly owned subsidiary of United Pharmaceuticals and has been a long time user of Informix. Company spokesman Paul Card says that the reason the company selected Informix was that they needed an industrial strength relational database that was also not so resource intensive as some of the other databases on the market. They were also looking for speed and integrity for their database. Informix was just the right choice in terms of value for money. Informix VAP partner iAdapt has been an IBM partner to Medicom for close on three years and was chosen to supply and support the product. The new version will be rolled out over the next month as part of a major upgrade project for the internal systems at Medicom.

Mimed moves to iAdapt Payroll

Motor Industry specialist organisation Mimed has moved off the VIP payroll and migrated onto the iAdapt Remuneration Management software in a centralisation project aimed at streamlining the Payroll function. Mimed is the Medical Administration arm of the Motor Industry Bargaining Council (Mibco) which invested in the iAdapt software in 2004. The reason for the move is that the VIP payroll was not flexible enough to handle the complex reporting requirements of the council. The whole project which included data cleaning and conversion took a total of 2 months to complete. This included training the additional users, change management and roll out. Says Mimed project manager Lilian Ntoagae "Having experienced the exceptional support and superior product it was not a difficult choice to replace VIP with iAdapt. Their support levels are of the highest standard and the software has matured well within Mibco. The power of the product lies in the fact that it is able to be customised extremely fast without compromising the integrity of the base software. Mibco was also in the process of streamlining its internal process's by centralising all the Human Resource functions including Payroll. This is going to apply to all the subsidiaries of Mibco."
The system will be running on the powerful relational database Informix which is the core of the Mibco internal systems.

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