Software for LifeEmbrace technology, Gain the competitive edge.
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Corporate Structure

iAdapt is a group of business solutions companies dedicated to providing the kind of Software and Technical expertise that assists your business embrace technology to gain a competitive edge.

The merger of a marketing and sales focused company with a skills and services based company has resulted in a highly focussed and specialised business solutions company.

The company focus's on adding value to a customers business processes by utilizing technology cost-effectively and professionally.

All the operating companies within the iAdapt Group are owned 100 % by the holding company and are all registered companies incorporated in the Republic of South Africa. For the offshore operations iAdapt has entered into a number of Joint Ventures for USA, UK and Australia.

Financials Supply Chain Management People Management Customer Relationship Management Fleet Management Business Development Framework FourJ's Development Tools

General Ledger Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable Fixed Assets

Inventory Order Entry Purchasing

Personnel Training Recruitment Payroll Portals

Contact Management Contract Management Forecasting & Budgeting Management Sales Management Fleet Management

Fleet Management Vehicle Management Service Scheduler Fuel and Oil Management Bookings Manager and Rentals

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